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Data Security

Technology and Configuration

  • Desktop and Latest Technology: All desktops and related technology are equipped with the latest configurations to ensure optimal performance and security.
  • Secured Workstations: Workstations are secured with strong password protection and regular updates to safeguard against unauthorized access.
  • Licensed Support Software: We use only licensed software, ensuring compliance with legal standards and access to regular security updates.
  • Multiple LAN Networks: Employing multiple LAN networks to segregate sensitive information and reduce the risk of internal breaches.

Network and Data Protection

  • Encryption: Utilizing advanced encryption protocols for data in transit and at rest to prevent unauthorized access.
  • VPN Protection: Utilizing VPNs when accessing client servers to encrypt data and protect against external threats.
  • Internet Browsing Restrictions: Implementing firewall rules to restrict access to non-essential or harmful websites, minimizing exposure to potential threats.
  • Centralized Control: Maintaining centralized control over all IT resources to ensure consistent application of security policies and swift response to any issues.
  • Automatic Backup: Regular automatic backups to prevent data loss and ensure quick recovery in case of any incidents.

Access Control and Usage Policies

  • Functional Access to Client Data: Granting access to client data strictly on a need-to-know basis, ensuring that employees have only the necessary permissions to perform their duties.
  • Disabled External Plug-in Devices: Prohibiting the use of external plug-in devices (e.g., USB drives) to prevent data leakage and unauthorized data transfers.
  • Restricted Printing: Limiting the ability to print documents to avoid unauthorized distribution of sensitive information.
  • 100% On-Site Functioning: Enforcing a policy of no work from home (WFH) to maintain control over the working environment and ensure adherence to security protocols.

Monitoring and Updates

  • Regular Security Updates: Ensuring all systems and software are regularly updated with the latest security patches.
  • Regular System Audits and External Assessments: Conducting regular system audits to identify and address any security vulnerabilities.
  • Internet Browsing Restrictions: Implementing firewall rules to restrict access to non-essential or harmful websites, minimizing exposure to potential threats.
  • Restricted Access to Harmful Websites: Using web filtering technologies to block access to known malicious websites and ensure safe browsing.
  • Employee Training: Providing ongoing training for employees on data security best practices and emerging threats.

By integrating these comprehensive data security measures, we aim to protect sensitive information, maintain operational integrity, and ensure compliance with industry standards and client requirements.